SF2863 Systems Engineering

KTH Royal Institute of Technology


7.5 hp


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What advice would you like to give to future participants?
I felt like focusing on the home assignments was a good way of getting a grip on the course. The course contains many different concepts and for me personally I understod the concepts best by solving problems. This is one of the few courses in which I feel that you can start doing old exams almost instantly. If you’ve attended all lectures about for example queueing theory I think it would be a good idea to look at an old exam and try to solve a queueing question on the exam. Then you kind of get a sense of the implementation. Since the concepts are quite seperated from each other I believe this to be a good idea
What would you suggest to improve?
I think the second home assignment could be improved. The first part of the assignment, Marginal allocation, felt challenging in a good way. But the dynamic programming part felt so difficult and challenging in a bad way. We spent so much time and it didn’t feel like we had the resources we needed to solve the assignment. It felt challenging in a ”bad” way. When you just feel stressed and that you don’t get anywhere and don’t have the resources you need
What was the best aspect of the course
The course content! I thought the course in general was very interesting. Especially queueing theory and markov decision processes. And I liked that we had two home assignments where we would implement the things we learned in the course.
Question Average
On average, how many hours/week did you work with the course (including scheduled hours)? 17
I worked with interesting issues


I explored parts of the subject on my own


I was able to learn by trying out my own ideas


The course was challenging in a stimulating way


I felt togetherness with others on the course


The atmosphere on the course was open and inclusive


The intended learning outcomes helped me to understand what I was expected to achieve


The course was organized in a way that supported my learning


I understood what the teachers were talking about


I was able to learn from concrete examples that I could to relate to


Understanding of key concepts had high priority


The course activities helped me to achieve the intended learning outcomes efficiently


I understood what I was expected to learn in order to obtain a certain grade


I received regular feedback that helped me to see my progress


I was able to practice and receive feedback without being graded


The assessment on the course was fair and honest


My background knowledge was sufficient to follow the course


I regularly spent time to reflect on what I learned


The course activities enabled me to learn in different ways


I had opportunities to influence the course activities


I was able to learn by collaborating and discussing with others


I was able to get support if I needed it
