No more bad surprises

Before taking a course, see what others think with, the open repository of courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is

The main driving force behind is promoting openness within the academic world. We feel that the current system of reviewing courses is outdated and does not allow for the kind of feedback that is needed to improve courses. The process of choosing a course is also very opaque, and we want to change that. is a platform that allows you to review courses anonymously, and see what other students have to say about the courses you are considering.

Why do I need to log in?

To verify that you legitimately have taken each course, we validate a transcript from Ladok. The courses in that transcript are then linked to your account so you can review them.

How do I know if a review is genuine?

We have a strict policy of only allowing verified reviews. This means that you can only review a course if you have taken it, and that the review is linked to your account.

Why is my university not listed?

While our vision is to list all courses from all universities, during the beta period we are limiting this to select swedish universities. This is due to bandwidth limitations with integrating courses while still ensuring the high quality of reviews.

Will I get backlash from reviewing something negatively?

The questions are designed to allow detailed anonymous reviewing without having to use text based answers.

We do however allow some text based answers, which get filtered and recommended automatically by the platform. We recommend that you avoid any details in the text answers that could identify you.